The oral cavity is the intersection of medicine and dentistry. It is the window into the general health of a patient. Hundreds of diseases...

ಐಐಎಸ್‌ಸಿಯಿಂದ ಮಧುಮೇಹಿಗಳಿಗಾಗಿಯೇ ವಿಶೇಷ ಪಾದುಕೆ

ವಿಶ್ವದಾದ್ಯಂತ ಸುಮಾರು 463 ಮಿಲಿಯನ್ ಜನರು ಮಧುಮೇದಿಂದ ಬಳಲುತ್ತಿದ್ದರೆ, ಭಾರತದಲ್ಲಿ 77 ಮಿಲಿಯನ್ ರೋಗಿಗಳು ಇದ್ದಾರೆ. ಮಧುಮೇಹದಿಂದ ಕಾಲಿಗೆ ಆಗುವ ಅಲ್ಸರ (ಗಾಯ) ಅನ್ನು ತಡೆಯುವದು ನಿಜವಾದ ಸವಾಲಾಗಿ ಪರಿಣಮಿಸಿದೆ. ಶೇ. 25...

Low carbohydrate intake can reduce burden of Diabetes

India has the dubious distinction of known as ‘Diabetes Capital’ of the world with an estimated 74 million people inflicted with diabetes and another...

Digitalised District Hospitals: Sudhakar

The dynamic Health Minister of Karnataka is all set to bring sweeping changes to District Hospitals. If his dream comes true, from next month...

All You should know about ‘TOMATO FLU’

‘Tomato flu’ is known by this name because of the red, painful blisters/swellings appearing on children’s bodies and progressively increasing to the size of...
