Rising burden of heart disease in Indian youth-World Heart Day Special

In the last three decades, the country has witnessed an alarming rise in heart disease, particularly among the young & productive age groups almost...

Spirituality & Religious practices for better Heart health

Ancient Indians were pioneers in rejoicing religious ceremonies, they knew religious congregation will usher peace, tranquillity, universal brotherhood and reassure positive health. Perhaps, based...

Siddhagiri Hospital, Kanerimath: Serving with compassion

Dr. Shivshankar Marajakke is a medical professional who is a visionary, dreamer & philanthropist. He is a skillful Neuro Surgeon who lives by a...

ICMR-NITM & KLES Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital sign MOU

ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine (ICMR-NITM), Belagavi and KLES Dr.Prabhakar Kore Hospital and MRC Belagavi executed a Memorandum of Agreement on 6th Sept 2022...

Tune in to Music for better Heart Health

The recent studies have shown the importance of music to control stress, blood pressure, anxiety, reduce sleep disorders and to bring calmness. The humdrums, cut...
