Imbibe best practices in Organ donation & transplantation

Prime Minister Narendra Modi In his 99th episode of ‘Mann Ki Baat' program, called on the citizens to come forward for the noble cause...

Medical Teachers should adapt to Transformation – Dr. Philip

The present education system which is student-centric in fast transforming and teachers should also adapt to changing education system opined Dr. Philip Kregor an...

Strengthen Those ACHING Back Muscles at Menopause

Backbone is the central support system of our body. Strength of backbone is of utmost importance in our whole life but becomes more so...

ರೆಡಿಯೇಶನ್ ಅಂಕೊಲಾಜಿ ಜನಸೇವೆಗೆ ಅರ್ಪಣೆ – ಕೆಎಲ್ಇ ಕ್ಯಾನ್ಸರ ಆಸ್ಪತ್ರೆ

ಕೆಎಲ್‌ಇ ಸಂಸ್ಥೆಯು ನೂತನವಾಗಿ ಡಾ. ಪ್ರಭಾಕರ ಕೋರೆ ಆಸ್ಪತ್ರೆ ಹಾಗೂ ವೈದ್ಯಕೀಯ ಸಂಶೋಧನಾ ಕೇಂದ್ರದ ಹಿಂಬಾಗದಲ್ಲಿ ಆರಂಭಿಸಿರುವ ಕ್ಯಾನ್ಸರ ಆಸ್ಪತ್ರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಬಸವ ಜಯಂತಿ ಅಂಗವಾಗಿ ದಿ. 23 ಏಪ್ರೀಲ್ 2023 ರಂದು ಕೆಎಲ್‌ಇ...

‘Yoganidra’; controls Blood Pressure (ICMR-NIN Study)

Over 25% of the Indian population above the age of 40 years is diagnosed as Hypertensive, which needs lifelong medication & multiple visits to...
