Bharat Biotech announced the initiation of Covaxin’s phase-1 clinical trials has commenced at Jeevan Rekha Hospital Belagavi.
Now the clinical trial of another vaccine made by Zydus Cadila named ZyCoV-D has also commenced the phase II clinical trial of its Covid-19 vaccine candidate at Jeevan Rekha Hospital Belagavi.
ZyCoV-D was found to be safe and well-tolerated in phase I clinical trial. The company will now commence phase II clinical trials from the 6th of August, 2020.
Earlier this month, Zydus had received approval from domestic authorities to start human trials for its COVID-19 vaccine contender – the second Indian pharmaceutical firm to get such nod amid a surge in novel coronavirus infections worldwide.
In phase II clinical trials, they look forward to evaluating the safety and immunogenicity of the vaccine in a larger population.