We can beat the age-related memory loss

It is an established fact that, as we age it is normal to develop bit of memory loss. Usually, we can’t remember where we have kept our bike/car key, desperate to search for our spectacles, not able to recollect the name of person, place so on & so forth. To arrest this process of temporary memory loss before it develops into full blown Alzheimer, we need to develop active life.

Simple Tips to overcome memory loss

1. Exercise which includes yoga, walking, cycling, swimming has many benefits for both physical and mental health, including reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, strengthening the bones and muscles, and reducing stress. Regular exercise improves memory, judgment and thinking skills, problem solving.

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2. Socializing: Being with friends sharing good & bad events, attending family & religious function, get-togethers is said to keep your brain alert and boost memory.

3. Excursions / Visit to Religious places : Frequent family outings, visiting to religious places, reading spiritual books, performing meditation, attending spiritual discourses reduces stress, keeps the depression away, thereby improving the memory.

4. Puzzles, games, quiz, brain teasers, being & playing with children, laughing, extending helping hand keeps the brain agile and these small activities reduces the memory loss.

5. Sleep: Quality sleep of 6-8 hours brings freshness, reduces lethargy and improves brain function there by reducing memory loss.

6. The findings of the latest research suggests that timely diagnose & treatment for loss of hearing will reduce the risk of dementia by 19%.

If you have occasional memory loss, do not worry. Include above simple tips in your day to day activities, you will find the difference. However, if you face frequent memory loss you should consult your Physician.

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