Various scientific studies have established that Walking is the best, easy to perform and does not involve any costs. Cycling, swimming, gymnasiums involve some sort of expenses. Treadmills, aerobics conducted in closed rooms may cause stress than the benefits highlighted in the recent study conducted in the USA. Walking in free space, green pasture amidst trees, nature, sunlight and refreshing air is the best and stimulating says the study. The walking makes you light, elevate mood, one can swing hands to friends and smile at the gracious faces the walkers are more socializing highlights various studies. Walking has umpteen health benefits to people of all ages and fitness levels. It controls existing disease, prevent the onset of certain diseases, keeps mentally, physically fit, and prolongs life. Walking is free to do and easy to fit into your daily routine. All you need to start walking is a sturdy pair of walking shoes.
Brisk walk of 30-45 mins helps :
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA found that women, aged between 50 – 75 Years, who took one-hour morning walks, were found relieved of insomnia (Sleeplessness) & improvement in their arthritis. Health benefits of walking include good physical, mental health, protection from heart ailments, diabetes, cancer, and other types of chronic conditions. Further studies show that walking increases bone mineral density and prevents the condition of osteoporosis. It reduces weight by walking 3-4 Kms per day. Regular walking lowers bad cholesterol levels and increases good cholesterol & regulates blood pressure.
Benefits of Walking
1. Burn calories
Walking can help to burn calories. Burning calories can help to maintain or lose weight.
2. Strengthen the heart
Walking at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
3. Keeps sugar level & Blood Pressure control
Regular walk of 30-45 mins at least 5 days in a week keeps your sugar levels and Blood Pressure under good control. It improves appetite and reduces stress.
4. Eases joint pain
Walking can help protect the joints, including your knees and hips. That’s because it helps lubricate and strengthen the muscles that support the joints.
Walking may also provide benefits for people living with arthritis, such as reducing pain. And walking also helps prevent arthritis.
5. Boosts immune function
Walking reduces the risk of developing a cold or flu. A study tracked 1,000 adults during the flu season. Those who walked at a moderate pace for 30 to 45 minutes a day had 43 percent fewer sick days and fewer upper respiratory tract infections overall. Their symptoms were also lessened if they did get sick. That was compared to adults in the study who were sedentary.
In rainy, cold season you can walk indoors and perform Yoga, light work-out & breathing exercise in the home.
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6. Improves energy
Walking increases oxygen flow through the body. It can also increase levels of cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Those are the hormones that help elevate energy levels.
7. Improve your mood
Walking brings stability in mental health, reduces anxiety, depression, and enhances mood. It also boosts self-confidence and reduces symptoms of social withdrawal.
8. Extend your life
Walking at a brisk pace could extend life. Walking at an average pace compared to a slow pace resulted in a 20 percent reduced risk of overall death.
9. Tone your legs
Walking can strengthen the leg muscles. To build up more strength, walk in a hilly area, or use routes with stairs.
Also, trade-off walking with other cross-training activities like cycling or jogging. You can also perform resistance exercises like squats, lunges, and leg curls to further tone and strengthen your leg muscles.
10. Creative thinking
The researchers found that walking opens up a free flow of ideas, innovations, bonds with people, and is a simple way to increase creativity and get physical activity at the same time.
Tips for staying safe while walking
Always sport walking dress, wear sports shoes, Don’t walk o slippery, muddy patches, do not venture to walk in dark areas. When it is raining, chilled, cool days do not walk. Avoid mobiles, earplugs while walking they divert your attention.
Never be over-enthusiastic to start walking 3-4 Kms on the very first day. Slowly increase your walking distance. If you have any health issues, discuss with the Physician and follow his advice. While walking use masks, maintain social distance. Wash your clothes and take a shower after reaching home
1. Jane Chertoff on health line November 8, 2018
2. Meenakshi Nagdeve 5 Wonderful Benefits Of Walk Organic facts February 03, 2020
3. David Sabgir, Joan Dorn Walk with a Doc ; a Call to Action for Physician-Led Walking Programs, Public Health Policy 29 May 2020