Strengthen Those ACHING Back Muscles at Menopause

Backbone is the central support system of our body. Strength of backbone is of utmost importance in our whole life but becomes more so at menopause. By about 25 years of age, we build up our muscle mass and bone mass. Then, there is almost a plateau till about let us say 35 years of age or so and from that age onwards we lose bone mass and muscle mass at the rate of about 0.5 to 0.75 per cent per year and this loss increases to about 4-5 per cent per year around the age of menopause.

Also, further increases chances of falling and sustaining fractures
Many middle-aged women bend at the back which is called kyphosis or dowager hump. This hump is because of weak extensor muscles of the back along with very small fractures of the upper backbone which go unnoticed most of the time and are not diagnosed in more than one-third of cases. It is vital to strengthen back muscle and exercise regularly.

We should also strengthen core muscle together. These exercises would increase flexibility and can help to stabilise the back. However, it should be noted that for most of these exercises, you should not feel the stretch in the back itself. For example, the back of the legs has a group of muscles called the hamstrings. These muscles originate in the lower pelvis and insert into the leg. When the hamstrings are tight, the back itself can be tightened due to the pulling on the pelvis. Therefore, stretching the hamstrings will not only loosen the leg muscles up but also take the strain off the back.
It is always wise to consult your Doctor before doing any of the exercises as each back condition is different. If you have any discomfort after performing any of the exercises, discontinue and immediately consult a doctor to properly assess your situation.
Following are the few recommended exercises for Backache.

1. BACK BRIDGE Lie straight on a mat. Bend your knees and raise your torso in a straight line as shown in the figure below. Don’t arch. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat it again 10 times and in 3 sets of these 10 repetitions.

2. SIT-UPS: Sit-up exercises should be done very precisely to avoid any traction to the spine. Place your knees up on a chair, with your legs and hips at a 90-degree angle. First breath out then breath in and pull your abdominal muscles or your belly button towards the floor. This would tighten your internal abdominal muscle, this is your first step. Support your neck but don’t pull on it as you raise your upper chest, no more than 30-degree. Look straight up with your eyes to keep from pulling forward on the head. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions, or as per your individual tolerance. It is important to concentrate on feeling the strain in your abdominal muscles and not your neck or back. Any pain you feel with this exercise should only be a local muscle exercising sensation to the abdominal area, without aggravating your condition.

3. HAMSTRING STRETCH Sit on the ground, with one leg straight and the other one comfortably bent in front of your body. Bend at the waist and lean forward, keeping your back as straight as possible. Don’t curve your back. Reach with your arms towards the foot until a stretch is felt under your thigh. Hold each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds. Any less than 15 seconds and the muscle will not conform to the new increase in length. Do 3 reps, 3-6 times a day. Any pain you feel with this exercise should only be a local stretching sensation to the back of your thigh area, without aggravating your condition.

back menopause

4. BACK FLEXION STRETCH While lying on your back, pull both knees to your chest while simultaneously flexing your head forward until you reach a comfortable stretch in a balled-up position. Do 8-12 repetitions this way holding each one for 8-10 seconds at a time. You should feel no pain with this exercise as the stretch is designed to relieve tension on the back.

5. UPPER BODY DUMBBELL ROW: Place the opposite hand on the bench for support. Place one foot slightly behind hips on the ground with knee slightly bent; place the other knee on the bench below the hips. Back should remain flat and head should stay focused straight ahead. Hold the dumbbell in one hand. Begin the exercise with the weight arm-length away. Slowly pull the weight to the chest while squeezing the shoulder blades together. Think of the hand as a hook and pull the weight using upper back muscles. Pause the weight at the chest and slowly lower the weight to the starting position. Do not swing your arm to achieve the movement. Remain under control throughout the full range of motion. Perform desired repetitions on one arm then perform the same number on the opposite arm.

6. BHUJANGASANA (Cobra Pose) This posture promotes flexibility in the spine and encourages the chest to open. This asana strengthens the spine; stretches chest and lungs, shoulders and abdomen; firms the buttocks; stimulates abdominal organs; helps relieve stress and fatigue; opens the heart and lungs. Lie prone on the floor. Stretch your legs back, tops of the feet on the floor. Spread your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Press the tops of the feet and thighs and the pubis firmly into the floor. On an inhalation, begin to straighten the arms to lift the chest off the floor, going only to the height at which you can maintain a connection through your pubis to your legs. Better not to rise above the navel level. Press the tailbone toward the pubis and lift the pubis toward the navel. Narrow the hip points. Firm but don’t harden the buttocks. Firm the shoulder blades against the back, puffing the side ribs forward. Lift through the top of the sternum but avoid pushing the front ribs forward, which only hardens the lower back. Distribute the backbend evenly throughout the entire spine. Hold the pose anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds, breathing easily. Release back to the floor with an exhalation. If you do abdominal crunches and pull your belly button in even then your back muscles would be strengthened. Don’t do this asana if you have Back injury, Carpal tunnel syndrome, Pregnancy.

7. ELBOW PLANK: Lie on the floor and place your forearms directly under your shoulders. Slowly lift your torso off the floor by pressing into your forearms and knees. Contract your core as you rise up, and maintain a neutral neck and spine. Tuck your toes under and lift your knees so that your body forms a straight line. Hold this for 20–30 seconds, building up to 1 minute or longer.
Again, remember it is very important to strengthen our back muscles and abdominal muscles as they support our body and our limbs. So please, don’t neglect the back. Cheers to Happy and Healthy Living at and after Menopause. Lets join our hand to say: “ME. NO. PAUSE” 😊


Dr Harpreet Kour

Exercise Physiologist I Clinical & Sports Nutritionist (IOC) I CPT (ACSM)

Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, J.N Medical College Belagavi

Director, Samagra Wellness Clinic Belagavi

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