Shri Adrishya Kadasiddheshwar Swamiji’s dream to bring state-of-the-art medical facilities to the rural poor at an affordable price is gaining ground in the outskirts of Kolhapur at Kaneri Siddhaganga hospital. The team of Neurosurgeons led by Dr. Shivshankar Marajakke performed brain surgery on the most complex, advanced disease of the brain on a 59-year-old lady.

The aneurysm in the brain (Aneurysm, is a weakness in a blood vessel in the brain that balloons and fills with blood ) are common. But, an aneurysm beyond 2.5 cms is considered life-threatening and is identified as “Giant-Aneurysm” which needs high-risk surgical intervention and is a life-threatening condition.

The 59 year female patient who hails from low socio-economic background had lost her vision of both the eyes for over a period of  8 years and presented with complaints of massive bleeding through the nose and mouth. All these 8 years, she was being treated in Bangalore but for technical and financial reasons surgery was different. The family couldn’t afford around 10 -12 lakh rupees for this complex and challenging brain bypass surgery. 

WhatsApp Image 2022 07 04 at 4.12.06 PM
Left to Right Dr. Prakash, Dr. Shivshankar & His Holiness Kadasiddeshwar Swamiji

Dr . Shivashankar Marajakke at Siddhagiri Hospital Kanerimath, assessed the patient and identified the aneurysm had grown massively to the size of 10.5 cm . This is the world’s largest and most threatening aneurysm. It has progressed from the brain down to her tooth in oral cavity. Neurosurgeon Dr. Shivashankar Marajakke and his team swung into action to perform rare, complex cases. The marathon surgery lasted for over 11 hours & the surgical team has created a medical record.

Dr. Shivshankar informed the media that, Brain Aneurysms are one of the most life-threatening diseases of the brain with very high mortality and morbidity. Most of the time they are in a few millimeters.  He further elaborated, Options available for such cases are surgical clipping, Endovascular Treatment( EVT) and very rarely bypass in case of a diseased vessel or very large aneurysms. In the Cerebral bypass surgery procedure blood flow is restored to the brain by redirecting blood around ballooned (aneurysms) arteries. Bypass in the brain is very challenging and demands the highest levels of skills in view of the very small size of vessels, narrow space in the brain carries life-threatening consequences. Neuro-Anaesthetist Dr . Prakash Bharamagoudar, and Cardiac Surgeon Dr Amol Bhoje had made valuable contributions in this rare complex surgery. 

Shri Adrishya Kadasiddheshwar Swamiji’s said complex Brain bypass surgeries are done only in a few metro cities of India. Swamiji highlighted Neuro-Surgery unit is equipped with top-notch surgical equipment worth over 6 crores. Swamiji is extremely happy with the outcome of the surgery and congratulated Dr Shivashankar Marajakke & team for the accomplishment of this rare feat.

Dr. Shivshankar’s brief profile: He is a highly qualified double gold medallist Neurosurgeon, trained from India’s topmost Neuro institute- Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences & Technology Trivandrum. He has performed over 12000 neuro surgeries. He is well known in India for highly complex brain aneurysm surgeries, endoscopic brain surgeries and epilepsy surgeries. 

Brief of Siddhagiri Hospital, Kaneri: facilities, Cardiac care, Orthopaedics, Infertility and Gynaecology, Eye , ENT, Critical care , Dialysis, Kidney , Cancer, Dental and Plastic & Reconstructive surgery departments . The hospital is equipped with modern medical gadget. The hospital is known for very good hospitality, cleanliness will serve of the staff, and care provided beyond financial barriers as per the concept of “no-profit- no-loss” concept.

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