Tourism encompasses business tours, study tours, medical tourism, pilgrimage, heritage tourism etc. It is usually associated with travel, fun-frolic, eat outs, campfire, sightseeing, night outs, adventures, skiing, water sports, trekking, religious discourses, etc.
The recent sleep science studies have estimated almost 25-30% population of 40 years and above are deprived of sound sleep of 6-8 hours. The modern-day stress, peer pressures, business tensions, family issues, financial stressors, high out-put demanding professions, prolonged night shifts, target oriented jobs, long travels, Legal tangle, night out trends & various other issues are complicating our sleep patterns. Apart from these, post pandemic almost 40% of individuals are complaining of loss of sleep.
Psychological factor’s depression, anxiety, apprehensions add on and disturb our sleep patterns. Continuous exposure to deprivation of sleep leads to health issues like Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity & Heart disease. To overcome sleep disorders, Sleep Tourism is emerging as the most favoured initiative by hospitality industry.

To overcome sleep deprivation people are looking at suitable vacation spots to sleep for hours. Posh star hotels from New York to London have added typically designed sleep suites for their clients. These sleep suites are aesthetically designed to promote positive sleep. Suites are secluded from cities with scientifically tailored to enhance quality of sleep. Sound proof rooms with sleep inducing music playing, night lamps, even the bed-spreads, pillows, blankets are specially selected & offered to guests to ensure sound sleep & rejuvenate with refreshing morning. Ample of green space, Spa, Yoga, meditation beds, breathing exercises usher positive mood and enhance good quality of sleep who were deprived of sleep. To assess how restful your sleep was, guests mobile phone are accessed to built-in accelerometer, then runs algorithms and statistical analysis to split your slumber up into deep and light sleep periods. Every morning, you’ll be able to see how many hours of sleep you got, plus how well you slept, in the form of a score. It is a new initiative specially meant for stressed & affluent sleep disturbed class of society. Sleep tourism helps the needy feel more rested, relaxed & rejuvenated. Karnataka & Goa states have tremendous potential for sleep tourism that needs to be tapped.
Dr. Pramod N Sulikeri, Ph.D
Sr. Transplant Coordinator
KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital