In recognition of his efforts to establish and foster the collaboration, Thomas Jefferson University (TJU), Philadelphia USA has decided to present Dr Prabhakar Kore an Honorary Doctorate. The honorary degree of Doctor of Science will be presented to him on May 25, 2022 at the graduation ceremony for Thomas Jefferson University.
The KLE Society takes great pride in the prestigious honor being conferred upon our Honorable Chairman and Chancellor KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER) in recognition of his relentless efforts in furthering the cause of Education, Health care and Research for the upliftment of the society at large in this part of the country. The recognition is made special by the fact that TJU is among the top ranked and prestigious universities in USA.
Dr Kore has been instrumental in taking the KLE Society and KAHER to new heights. He has not only created world class infrastructure in a Tier II city like Belagavi but has also ensured a very high quality of traditional and professional education, high caliber research and state of the art, affordable healthcare facilities through a modern hospital for the poor and needy.

The India Centre at Thomas Jefferson University:
The India Centre for Studies at Thomas Jefferson University will also be inaugurated during the convocation. The Honorable Indian Ambassador to the United States of America and the Consul General have been invited for the inauguration. The Study Centre will foster the academic and research collaboration between KAHER and Thomas Jefferson University. It is one among the four centres being set up by TJU, the other three being Italy, Ireland and Israel.
KAHER Collaboration with Thomas Jefferson University:
KAHER has a number of collaborations with Universities and institutes of international and national repute. The University has a long-standing meaningful collaboration with the TJU, Philadelphia. The focus of this collaboration is the world class research conducted jointly by TJU and KLE in the area of Maternal and New Born Health. This collaboration has not only resulted in high quality, high impact scientific publications but more importantly also saved the lives of thousands of mothers and new borns. This research work has been recognized nationally and internationally and the findings of this research have been incorporated in framing policies and guidelines. These guidelines and policies are adopted by World Health Organization, ICMR and by health ministries of 54 countries, globally. It is because of mentorship, guidance, support and constant encouragement by Dr Kore that KAHER has been able to accomplish these global objectives.
Apart from the collaboration in Maternal and New Born Health with TJU, KAHER has further expanded the scope of this association and presently a number of joint research projects in the specific areas of urology, neurology, radiology, psychiatry, public health, physiotherapy, nursing, integrative health, etc are underway. The findings from these projects will also have positive impact on the health outcomes. Apart from the research the collaboration also provides opportunity for student and faculty exchange. Medical students of KLE are given opportunity to do their clinical rotations in TJU and TJU students also come to KAHER for additional clinical experience.
Thomas Jefferson University:
TJU established in 1824 is among the oldest universities in USA and is ranked among top 10 universities for certain programs. With 30,000 employees, 4600 faculty members, 8400 students, 63000 alumni, 6100 Physicians and practitioners and 7400 nurses with 10 colleges and 3 schools TJU is a multidisciplinary university with 160 undergraduate programs. It is ranked the 5th most innovative university, ranked among the best value schools and has 1000 patents for software innovations, medical devices and diagnostic schools. Dedicating more than $288 million in charitable care and community benefit, the TJU spends over $136 million in public/private research funding. TJU has recently expanded its scope in healthcare and is one of the largest healthcare providers in USA with nearly 3000 licensed beds. It has provided services to 1,27,000 inpatients & 38,00,000 outpatients; 5,00,000 emergency patients and 48,000 outpatient surgical procedures.
KAHER J N Medical College Research Unit:
The “Women’s and Children’s Health Research Unit” of Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Belagavi has emerged as one among the leading research centres in the area of Maternal and Child Health, globally. The Research Unit has continued to expand its activities and is currently networking with 10 medical colleges/research institutions in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha and Rajasthan. The Research Unit receives funding from Fogarty International Center, National Institute of Health, USA, UK Medical Research Council and Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, World Health Organization, Geneva, Global Network for Women’s and Children’s Health Research of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, USA, National Cancer Institute (NCI), USA, Global Challenges Research Fund, UK, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, UK and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA. The research collaborations are with Kings College, London, University of Birmingham and University of Sheffield, UK, Thomas Jefferson University, University of Colorado, University of North Carolina, Johns Hopkins University, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago, Columbia University and RTI International, North Carolina, USA and University of Pretoria, SA.
Prominent recipients of the Honorary Doctor of Science from Thomas Jefferson University:
Alex Gorsky- is Chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson, and chairman of the executive committee, the company’s senior leadership team. He is the seventh person to serve as chair and CEO of Johnson & Johnson since it became a publicly traded company in 1944.
Bernard Lown- a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, has devoted over fifty years to the practice of medicine in the field of cardiology, and for the betterment of humankind. He is the original developer of the direct current defibrillator and the cardioverter.
Donna Brazile: is an American political strategist, campaign manager, political analyst, author, and Fox News contributor. She was formerly a CNN contributor
Paul Farmer: is an American medical anthropologist and physician. Farmer holds an MD and PhD from Harvard University, where he is the Kolokotrones University Professor and the chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School.