Breast Feeding is Best for Baby

World breastfeeding day is celebrated every year in the first week of August. The theme for 2020 is “support breastfeeding for a healthier planet”.

We have all known that Mother’s milk is the best milk for her baby. It is specifically made at the right temperature with the right composition for the baby even if it is born prematurely. Enough research has been done to prove that

It provides ideal nutrition for babies promoting their health, growth and weight gain

Boosts immunity through the antibodies it transfers from mother to baby thus protecting against not only infectious diseases but immune disorders also boosts baby’s brain development through its various components such as Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, taurine, choline and others.

Promotes mother and baby bonding and promotes maternal wellbeing too.


In the current Coronavirus pandemic lot of queries were raised in the beginning whether it is safe to promote exclusive breastfeeding to babies born to COVID 19 positive mothers. However recent studies have shown that breast milk of these mothers contains antibodies to the virus which can provide protection to the baby against infection and besides continuing to provide other benefits discussed earlier. Also, Coronavirus has not been found in the mother’s milk Hence more than ever before let us ensure that we continue to promote exclusive breastfeeding in the current pandemic. However, it is important that the mother takes extra precaution while breastfeeding such as

  1. Proper handwashing with soap and water prior to handling the baby.

  2. Use of medical face mask that covers the nose and mouth and which is changed once soiled.

  3. Follow proper etiquettes while coughing and sneezing.

  4. Mother to avoid touching her own mouth and nose while handling the baby.

Babies are more likely to get infected from coming in contact with infected family members than by breastfeeding.

Technique of Breast Feeding

We come across a lot of mothers who are fully motivated to breastfeed their baby but face a lot of difficulties in actually establishing successful breastfeeding.

What needs to be understood in such conditions is that though sucking at the breast and milk are both natural reflexes, the correct technique of feeding too is important for successful breastfeeding.

If the baby does not latch on to the breast correctly mother can develop sore nipples and the pain will prevent her from continuing to feed the baby. Baby too gets frustrated if the attachment to the breasts is not proper which makes him/her irritable and fussy. All that is needed in such situations is to boost the mother’s confidence and teach her the correct technique of holding the baby and attaching to the breast.

Let us all ensure all the newborns have the best start in their life by promoting early and exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months.

About the Author:
Dr (Mrs) Manisha Bhandankar
Sr.Neonatologist KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belagavi

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