The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the country by storm. Panic, anxiety & uncertainty have become part of the day. Building strong immune system to wage a war against the Pandemic is the only available easy option. Any one at any point of time could be infected with the virus. The time has come to review our food habits and quickly do readjustments in our diet, lifestyles and look for easily available immune boosters.
Enhancing the immune system strong & healthy is the key to prevent infection and build a strong shield against virus. Immune system becomes weak due to smoking, alcohol consumption, and poor nutrition, temporary acquired immune deficiencies caused due to few medicines, example chemotherapy to treat cancer, also post organ transplantation. Risk factors of COVID-19 includes obesity, serious heart conditions, asthma, chronic kidney disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes, haemoglobin disorders, liver disease, and individuals with age 60 or above.
Nutrition is intricately associated with immunity and to the risk of infections, in this case, consuming good quality diet is always desirable and this is important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, elderberry, turmeric, garlic, medicinal mushrooms, and along with this sound sleep, regular exercise and meditation will also boost and improve your immune system to fight against infections. Coronavirus are the type of viruses that typically affect the respiratory tracts & causes common cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
To curtail the risk of infection, boosting your immune system is emerging as a key weapon. People with strong immune system, strong will power, day charged with full of activates can fight against COVID-19 when compared to people with lowered immunity.

What we must eat to boost immunity:
- Eat plenty of fruits daily (Diabetic must follow the advice of their Physician).
- Eat fresh vegetables (garlic, ginger, Palak, Methi, green bell peppers, lime, coriander, broccoli, green chili pepper)
- Consume of nuts like almonds, walnuts, coconut, ground nut.
- Red meat can be consumed once or twice per week, and poultry 2-3 times per week, consumption of foods from animal sources (example: fish, eggs, and milk) and 160 g of meat and beans.
- Choose fresh fruits and raw vegetables for snacks rather than foods that are rich in sugar, fat or salt. Avoid regular snacks, and junk foods.
- Do not overcook vegetables because it leads to the loss of important nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.
- Try to have warm, fresh food
- Reduce salt & sugar intake. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day, it helps the transport of nutrients in the blood, gets rid of waste, and also regulates the body temperature.
- Avoid consumption of all fizzy, concentrated juices, carbonated juices, and all drinks which contain sugar.
- Maintain a healthy life style, workouts, exercise, meditation, and regular sleep will surely build the immune functioning.
- Eat at home to avoid the contact with other people and try to reduce the chance of being exposed to covid-19.
- Sleep at least 7-8 hours in a day is the best way to help your body-built immunity. Lesser sleep will lead to tiredness and this may impair your brain activity, the lack of sleep will prevent the body from resting due to these other bodily functions are impaired, this will have direct impact on your immunity.
- Use Garlic, ginger, turmeric, Peppers, Citrus fruits, flax seeds in plenty in your day-to-day food preparation. Have plenty of green salad in every meal.
- Drink warm milk laced with turmeric before you go to bed.
Noorush S et al Strong Immunity- A Major Weapon to Fight against Covid-19 IOSR Journal of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences Volume 15, Issue 3 Ser. III (May –June 2020), PP 22-29