(Fortified Chavanprasha)
In the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic entire mankind across the world is suffering. The Ayush ministry recommended that it will be good to take preventive measures that boost immunity as there is no potent medicine for COVID-19 as of now. Shri. Narendra Modi suggested citizens follow the Ministry of AYUSH Guidelines to Boost Immunity. AYUSH ministry had recommended the use of Chyawanprash apart from other herbal products to boost immunity during the pandemic season.
“Oja” – a fortified Chyavanprash double strengthens the immunity and bound for optimal health. KLE Ayurveda pharmacy received the best formulation award for Oja preparation in 1957 and gold medal for the same. Oja prepared with a classically explained method, using own cultivated Amla (Organic) in the form of Amla pulp as a base. Comparing to chavanprasha, Oja specially enriched with noble bhasmas like Roupya, Tamra, Abhrak, Loha, Vanga, Trivanga, Makshika, Mandoor and Praval etc. Because of these ingredients, it acts as complete nutrition, double potency to that of Chavanprsha. “Oja” formulation is mainly useful
1. Increasing immunity in all seasons
2. Promotes total health
3.Strengthen the body to relieve tiredness
4.Keeps skin healthy and glowing, also very good for hair growth
5. Builds strong bones and promotes optimal digestion all seasons suitable for whole family members.
“Oja” is best recommended to boost immunity in the present health crisis. It is available in KLEs BM Kankanwadi Ayurveda Pharmacy, Shahapur, Belagavi. For further details contact Dr. Savita Bhosale, +919886088826.