Dr Mallikarjun V Jali has been selected for the prestigious Honorary Fellowship, in the year 2022, in pursuance of the decision of the Executive Committee at its XVI Meeting held recentlyby the KSTA committee, confirmed by Professor S Ayyapan, the Chairman of the Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, a Unit of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka.
Dr M V Jali, Medical Director and CEO of the prestigious KLES Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital and Professor at the KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Belagavi. While commending Dr Jali for his contribution to diabetology and research, the committee looks forward to his involvement and guidance in the efforts of KSTA’s Science for Society Prof. S. Ayyapan, Chairman of KSTA, cited.
Dr Jali, with this honour, gets invitations to all Academy programmes, which entitles him to nominate scientists, technologists and science communicators of Karnataka origin, to the Awards and Fellowships, in the twelve Domains of the Academy.