Organ donation day is observed on 13th August every year. This day strives to motivate people to donate their healthy and precious organs while living or after death to save lives.
Organ donation is one of the greatest medical marvels of the twentieth century which has saved the lives of thousands of patients. The disparity between the huge demands for the organs and poor availability is a major concern. The total organ donation shortage in our country can be met even if only a few victims involved in fatal accidents serve as organ donors.
Live donors: Living donors are family members who can donate their organs to their kith & kin whose organs are not functioning. One kidney, a lung, or a portion of the liver, pancreas, or intestine can be donated.
Cadaveric or brain death donors: A brain-dead healthy individual whose organs are medically fit can be transplanted into the body of a living recipient. The relatives of the brain dead patient can donate kidney, liver, heart, lungs, pancreas, intestine & tissues.
Natural death donors: A person after his or her natural death can donate their cornea, skin & bones
Organ donation Act 1994: In India organ donation is regulated by the Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Act, 1994. The law allows both deceased and living donors to donate their organs. It also identifies brain death as a form of death. The National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO) functions as the apex body for activities relating to procurement, allotment and distribution of organs in the country.
Who Can Be An Organ Donor?
All can be donors-irrespective of age, health, and race. No individual is too old or too young to be a deceased donor. New-born and even senior citizens into their 90s have been potential organ donors as the health of the organ is more vital than age. However, in a few medical conditions, an individual may not become a donor due to cancer or systemic infection.
India shortage of Organs: On an average, four lakh Indians die every year unable to get an organ transplant in time due to the shortage of organs As per the reports, the number of transplants done annually in India is rising gradually rising around 5000 kidneys, 1000 livers and around 50 hearts. However, the current organ donation rate is very poor in India – 0.86 per million when compared to 46.9 Spain’s and America’s 31.96 per million. If India reaches a 1 per million donation rate, it would almost meet current demands for organs.
For Pledging your organs you can send your queries to
Dr. Pramod N Sulikeri, Ph.D
Sr. PRO, Transplant Coordinator, KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC Belagavi.
1. Senthilkumar Nallusamy et al Journal of Practices of Cardio Vascular sciences Organ donation – Current Indian scenario Year: 2018, Volume: 4, Issue: 3,177-179
2. Hashraj S Patient’s kin hesitant of organ donation. Hindustan Times, 2013
3. Shroff S Legal & ethical aspects of organ donation and transplantation, India Journal Urology, 2009;25;348.55